Friday, October 16, 2009


Hello, hello!

So, after another long week....Friday is here!

The best part about still being a student is that my weeks are still just four short and sweet days. I slept in this morning, and am now enjoying my first cup of coffee! Since I have all day I am going to take advantage of the sunshine and lay out by the pool.

Which reminds me! Good news everyone: I am joining the gym here at my apartment complex! Even though it is a little small and pricier than most, I just know that I will go and use the gym on a daily basis since it is just a 1 minute walk. Exercise is so important!

Healthy Body = Healthy and Happy Mind!


  1. AMEN to the healthy body, happy mind!

    have a great weekend :)

  2. Cheers to you if you have been successful in setting aside gym time each day while in law school! I never managed anything better than fits and starts.

    Hi, I am Juliet. I am a junior attorney and neophyte blogger and I recently found your website. I hope that you will consider this invitation to join a new web ring, “The Bob Loblaw Attorney & Law Student Web Ring”.

    (Add “Arrested Development” to your Netflix queue if you aren’t familiar with the Bob Loblaw reference--I highly recommend it!)

    Although I have been blogging for only a short time, I have discovered that there are a lot of good sites written by law students and new practitioners, covering a wide range of topics. Finding these blogs, however, is often a long and winding road. Hence, the recent brainstorm to create this web ring connecting the sites to one another.

    I hope that you will consider joining. The host entity, is a highly rated web ring service and will not sell or trade your personal information. It is also easy to join. The anticipated result? With a little publicity and a little time we can build a community of sorts, bringing new and growing traffic to worthwhile blogs.

    The link to join is:

    Once you go to the above link and click on “sign in” near the top right, you will need to go through a short sign-up process. At the end, you will be given several lines of code to copy and paste onto your blog's homepage. After that, I can officially approve your entry into the ring and you will be connected to the other sites joining.

    Thank you!

    My blog:

  3. Exercise is a vital part of a healthy balanced lifestyle so congrats that you have joined the gym.

    Author at Cellulean

